Why I should avoid Payday loans
Why I should avoid Payday loans We all have bad months where the unexpected happens. And this is when we look to borrow some money to get us through the month. A very well advertised and often used option are payday loans. These loans lend you money on a short term basis to be paid back by the end of the month. These loans can seem like a attractive way to get through the month. But here is why you should avoid them! They charge very high-interest rates! Because of the high risk associated with these loans, the lenders often charge very high-interest rates which can hurt your pocket! Similar to point 1, the lenders often charge very high fees! They are only a short term fix, not a long term solution. A short term loan can provide you with cash flow. But you need to look at why you need the loan. Are you spending too much? Is your emergency fund to small? Or is this a completely unexpected event? Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Here are are 2 ways to avoid nee...