Should I invest in Crypto?
Should I invest in Crypto? Investing in Crypto or cryptocurrency is a massive buzz word. But is it all talk or is there something to consider? What is Cryptocurrency? “A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend.” – Investopedia Image by xresch from Pixabay So Cryptocurrency is basically like a digital form of gold that is hard to fake or steal. It gets recorded on ledgers that are based on many servers making it almost impossible to lose records and hack. if you want a more in-depth read check out Investopedia . Can I get a return on my investment? Well, seeing as you get people known as Bitcoin Millionaires, I can assume so. With outrageous growth in short spaces of time, Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies have shone over the last few years providing a high return for many, but a high loss for others. Make sure you do your research by ...